Thank you for sharing your experience so vulnerably. Not only is this brave, but it is honest - and I feel like we need more and more of that every day. I'm so glad you're here, and I'm grateful to read your precious words.

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Sep 12Liked by Randy Kim

I remember feeling similarly when I had my attempt 11 years ago and the many times I've been in residential and inpatient. Trauma can cause wounds that never fully heal. Sometimes the wounds open up after years, when you become re-triggered in a poor mental state. Sometimes every day, every hour, every minute is a struggle. I believe in you my friend. You are a very loved person and have so much more light to shine on the world. Keep being that bright light to everyone. We need you 🙂

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Even amidst your struggles and despair, you share it to encourage others, and what a light you are Randy. I'm so glad you are still here with us, to share your story, and may you feel too that it's ok to not have to be doing all the things all the time, that you can just be, be present,and be you, without all the awards and responsibilities. Also, I have only been present in a psych hospital on the healthcare worker side, but I can see how initially it feels really sterile and unwelcoming. Here as you describe how the staff made you feel safe, how you felt cared for- that is huge. One it reveals to us that no matter the age, we need to feel these feelings of safety and care, and how we should be doing this for one another in our community. And two, it's a good reminder to me as a health care professional, on how to be welcoming, safe, and inviting. Though the journey is hard, may you be reminded that you are not alone.

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Sep 12Liked by Randy Kim

Randy, I am so grateful that you are here. I am also grateful that you are sharing your story and the links to information on the impact of forced psychiatric hospitalization. You and your pain and all the other parts of your humanity are held in a collective of care. I want us to figure out how to make that care known and felt by all whose pain is ever as overwhelming as yours has been.

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